Blogging, it’s actually good for your well being?

I blog for a very good reason, to share my ideas and issues I have resolved so it can help others, but apparently I am also improving my own well being and making my self a happier person in general as well.

In this article here from Mike Sachoff at WebProNews, he explains based on two studies by the researchers from Melbourne’s Swinburne University of Technology, compared to those who don’t blog, they have found that by blogging, it can make you feel less depressed, have more confidence and have better friend networks.

The studies found that blogging can help people feel less depressed in two months and that bloggers have better social support and friendship networks than those who do not blog. Blogging helped people feel more connected and less lonely. Bloggers also felt more self-confidence and had a better feeling of self-worth and were more comfortable asking others for help.

Social networks like Facebook and MySpace can also make you feel better about your self as well, the article explains.

So blogging actually makes you better as a person and improves your view about your self. So if you are already blogging, good on you. If you haven’t blogged before, now is a good time to join, there are heaps of different website that allow you setup a blog like wordpress or blogspace (Where google blog lives), and they are usually really easy to setup and get into.

So if you want to improve your well being, start blogging!

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